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2022 was a difficult year financially for many hospitals and health systems. 2023 will still be challenging as labor shortages continue, payment rate increases fall short of inflationary cost increases and economic uncertainty looms.
This webinar will help provide an understanding of how hospital accounting is generally structured and what finance leaders are thinking about when evaluating requests for new or expanded services, additional staff, new technology, etc.
Stroke program leaders often have not been exposed to the economics of their stroke program and may not be totally familiar with how financial and executive leaders view the profitability of their program. In support of our mission to bring important resources to stroke program leaders, we have developed this webinar to equip stroke program leaders with a better understanding of acute stroke economics and how to build the full case when presenting requests for investments in their stroke program to the financial leaders who must approve additional dollars for service lines and/or programs
Key topics of the webinar include:
A shorter version of this webinar was presented at the Association of Neurovascular Clinicians (ANVC) annual meeting with excellent feedback.
It’s a great session for new or experienced stroke program leaders, medical directors and coordinators!
Participants will receive a copy of the slide deck for their use.
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With significant experience in stroke program management, Stroke Challenges is excited to bring you tools and services to help you manage your stroke programs.
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